Sweet Miriam, born on the 20th and now twenty months old. Just hours after this picture was taken, I came down with the flu and a sinus infection, leaving me bedridden for six days. I haven't been so sick in years. If there is anything worse than having the flu, it's having the flu while trying to keep track of a toddler full of zest for life. Thankfully Zach is able to work from home a bit, and another friend swooped in and took her for a day. It's difficult to admit that I've come to the end of myself, of my ability to do anything, but I'm learning that is something I need to admit more readily, sick or not. This parenting thing just like life isn't meant to be done alone, and thank goodness I don't have to.
It's not all bad when mama isn't making the calls. Just check out the Ethiopian spread that Zach convinced Miriam to consume while I was still on a ginger ale only diet. This girl wants to be just like daddy and constantly reminds us that she wears blue jeans and puffy coats just like daddy.
Here's to more blogging in 2013 if only to help us remember our crazy, wonderful life as it passes before our eyes.
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